Due to technical issues at Jack Woolaston Oval some games have been interrupted. Copies of full matches will be uploaded later.

Country Rugby League Show - Episode 67

On this weeks CRL Show Geoff Stevenson and Paul Arandale look back at the opening round of NSWRLTV with the Lisa Fiaola Cup, Tarsha Gale Cup, Harold Matthews Cup and SG Ball Cup.

They go around the groups, with news from Murrurundi Mavericks, Jamberoo Superoos, Clayton Cup winners Camden Rams and Narooma Jets.

There's some magic moments from the weekend just gone, Tries of the Week and Big Hits of the week

plus previews of the upcoming fixtures on BarTV Sports with the Andrew Johns Cup, Laurie Daley Cup and Lisa Fiaola Regional Cup kicking off this weekend. 

About Paul Arandale

Paul commentates Newcastle Rugby League, Hunter Rugby, Gold Coast Rugby League and International Rugby League. Paul is also a co-host of the Country Rugby League Show.

Click here to see all articles by Paul Arandale.

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